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In order for a skater to participate in a U.S. Figure Skating Sanctioned Event at a club other than his/her own home club, this form must be completed by an officer of the skaters home club and sent to the club hosting the event.

Ice Skates




Registration and video submissions deadline Thursday at 11:59 PM

For more information, contact our test chair:


These will be held as a Virtual Test Session for self-submitted test videos. Further technical information can be found in USFSA Rule 4104.




​You will need the following documents, please read them closely as there are lots of details and information about how to record, submit and complete the affidavit. 



Testers will be responsible for arranging their own ice, their own videographer and their own proctor. They will be responsible for assuring that their video submission meets all of the standards set forth in USFSA Rule 4104. They are responsible for uploading their own video and affidavit. There will be no refund of testing fees for missing the video submission deadline. There will be no refund of testing fees should your video be rejected for not meeting the standards set forth in USFSA Rule 4104.


Testers and coaches will receive copies of the Test Papers (via email), including their final Pass/Retry score within 1 week of testing. 


Benefits of the Self Submitted Video Virtual Test Session:

Skater can skate the test as many times as necessary until they get the perfect video to submit.  The video can not contain any re-skates, or re-starts, it must only contain the test session requirements from start to finish, with no stopping or starting of the video. 


Proctor Requirements for Self Submitted Videos

Per USFSA Rule 4104, the proctor must be an impartial person of authority (i.e., test chair, rink management, skating school director, board member or local skating official) but may NOT be a coach/choreographer who has worked with the candidate, a training mate who takes from the same coach or is a personal friend of the candidate, or a parent/guardian of the athlete or any training mates.


Example ~ Testing Skater has the following coaches:

Hannah Head Coach

Sally Spin Coach

Johnny Jump Coach

Kenny Choreographer

Donna Dance Coach

Molly Moves Coach


Any other skater coached by any of these coaches is considered a training mate. Any parent or coach associated with a training mate cannot be an impartial proctor.


  • This is a Test Session. Please dress the part.

  • You must film in landscape mode.   Videos filmed in portrait mode will be rejected.

  • Remember your date and time stamp at the beginning of the video. USFSA requires you to scan a phone or other electronic device. This is to assure that the video meets the 14 day requirement. Videos without an electronic date and time stamp will be rejected

  • Remember to announce the skater and test at the beginning of the video. Either verbally, or hold up a piece of paper with the skater name and test written on it. The judges need to verify who they are judging.

  • Video quality matters. Judges don’t want to watch a poor quality video with a lot of interference. Their scores will reflect the quality of your video.

  • Avoid zooming in and out during filming. It’s distracting to the judges.

  • Do not film through mesh netting or plexiglass.

  • Put your phone or camera on a tripod. It is really hard to judge while watching a bouncing picture.

  • With a program – start the video a few seconds before the music starts and wait a few seconds after the music stops to cease filming. You want to capture the complete program, beginning to end.

  • A Skating Skills test must be skated with NO stopping or starting. There should be a maximum of 10 seconds between moves.

  • Get the whole skater in the frame. We need to see your feet as well as your face. At all times.

  • If filming on freestyle ice – USFSA states a maximum of 8 people may be on the ice.  Avoid interference from other skaters. You do NOT want another skater to skate between the tester and the camera. The skater cannot receive credit for what the judges cannot see. Videos with skater interference will be rejected.

  • Make sure that objects, people or parts of the rink do not obscure full view of the skater and their feet. We need to see the skater in clear view, head to toe, at all times.

  • Do not talk during filming.

  • For program tests – make sure the test music can be heard clearly on the video.

  • Watch your video before and after upload. Make sure it uploads in landscape mode and that the complete video uploads.

  • ​The test registration process is ONLY ON ENTRYEEZE. Paper applications are no longer accepted. â€‹

  • There will be no refunds for withdrawals after the deadline, except with medical authorization from a licensed professional.

  • Members will be given priority over non members.

  • Coaches must be compliant to put skaters on the ice at test sessions. A compliance list will be checked. Any coach not current on their CER compliance, will not be allowed to put skaters on the ice.


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